Tag Archives: usa

Waffling. My home vs. my home.

In Italy, it would be almost 3 am… and I am definitely feeling it.

Today was my first full day home and so far, I have felt so welcomed and so missed.
My parents keep telling me that my eyes brighten and widen every time I talk about my experiences. I thought I was ready to leave when I was there, but the inability to walk everywhere and lack of constant human interaction is making me a little “home” sick.

A lot more tearful goodbyes were exchanged than I thought would be.
I really will miss those lovelies so much. You guys made my journey what it was and although there were some bumps along the cobblestone road, I wouldn’t change any of it.
All of you have such defining characteristics, and I am so honored to have  taken part in a portion of your lives.
You guys are family. and like I said before… this is not goodbye, but see you later.
Really though.

I have the travel bug once again, and I realized how much of the U.S. I have yet to touch.


More on this and past mental dwellings to come!

For now, I must waffle between a stream of Italian and American habits, while unpacking literally and figuratively, adjusting to the time zone, catching up with loved ones, and sorting through souvenirs for a special few of you!


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